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Fit4life India is an integrated nutrition and wellness firm based in Hyderabad, Telangana India that helps Indians globally with their internal health as well as external appearance through scientific tools that support the mind and body.
During the pandemic, we moved our services to cater to both offline and online requests to help Indians across the globe get access to holistic nutrition and wellness services that support appropriate nutrition, adequate physical activity, improved sleep, and reduced stress. On the online platform we interact with our clients to give them overall consultation over Zoom, WhatsApp, emails, phone calls, mobile apps etc.
Deepika Chalasani (52 years) clinical nutritionist, mind and body transformation coach founded Fit4life India in 2012. The firm is based in Hyderabad, Telangana India and has several unique distinctions. Some of them are as follows:
Over 2 decades of research on unique physiological, psychological, and cultural characteristics of Indians that differ from the rest of the world
Reduce the client's clinical conditions & allostatic load through detailed analysis of their blood reports, lifestyle, food habits & thereafter curate customised programs that support the client's long term sustainable health as well as their desired outcomes. Blood tests are done at regular intervals to monitor and modify as required and show the difference
Follow WHO guidelines in the nutrition and wellness practice that specifically are needed for Indians viz. use PDCAAS for protein quality, Glycemic Load, potassium, phosphorus for CKD clients etc.
Combine the latest developments in the field of nutrition & health by following International and Indian authenticated research agencies viz. NIN, CADI, Lancet, WHO etc. with ancient Indian wisdom and yogic science
Work with the mind and the body for long term sustained transformation as 50% is what we eat and the rest of the 50% is `who we are as an eater’
Transformed our (as in Deepika Chalasani herself and her father’s) health, reversed our metabolic disorders, and sustained it over 20 year
Fit4life India based in Hyderabad, Telangana, has successfully helped Indian families across the globe through both online & offline consultation to:
Achieve sustainable and healthy weight loss
Reversing/reducing metabolic disorders like diabetes, BP, Uric Acid, PCOD / PCOS, Fatty Liver, Thyroid etc.
Improving digestive and gastro-intestinal health conditions viz. migraines, IBS, food intolerances
Reducing inflammatory and auto-immune ailments like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis etc.
Enhancing energy, fitness and recovery levels of many athletes, sports professionals & fitness enthusiasts who actively participate in marathons, ocean, swimming, ironman competitions
Improving skin health viz. acne, pigmentation
Managing eating related disorders like emotional eating, stress eating, binge eating, comfort eating with ease
Reducing mood swings, improving productivity and ensuring consistent energy through the day with healthy food and active lifestyle that supports the individual’s body type