Deepika Chalasani's Personal Story
​Deepika, a 3rd generation family member, at 47 has sustained
her weight loss, controlled her sugar levels and reversed all her
health problems with nutrition and a healthy active lifestyle.
Her HBA1C has constantly been maintained between 5.2 – 5.6.
Her mom’s sugar levels have also been controlled with nutrition, a
healthy active lifestyle and minimal medications.
What is Diabetes

The common perception is that Diabetes is an ailment relating to high blood sugar, but the scientific fact is that the high blood sugar is only a symptom. The root cause actually is that the cells where the Blood Sugar is meant to go, are over filled with semi-burnt unusable fat like DAG (Diacyl glycerol) , Ceramide etc., because of which the blood sugar cannot enter the cells.
The rational solution is to burn the fat within the cells by increasing the metabolic flexibility of the body, so that the cells
will accept the glucose (carbs convert to glucose in the body) without additional Insulin. Insulin is a master hormone; whose job is to push the digested food into the cells.
Metabolic Flexibility: It is the process of switching between fat burning and carb burning depending on their availability.
Metabolic flexibility can be increased through the following means:
1. Consuming least processed carbs, so that they trigger fat burning hormones instead of fat storing hormones
2. Including adequate protein and good fats in your daily consumption
3. Increasing the fat burning capacity of the cells through Physical Activity
4. Ensuring quality of sleep and optimal stress management. Imbalance or sub-optimal state of sleep or stress trigger cravings for comfort foods, which generally are high calorie processed carbs.
Excess sugar can cause irreversible damage and metabolic flexibility takes time to develop. So a prudent approach is to
control the Sugar levels with medicines until the metabolic flexibility is developed with nutrition and healthy active lifestyle.
WHO recommends diet, exercise, weight management and prudent use of medicines in order to control and maintain sugar levels.
* We follow WHO guidelines
The diabetic population in India is going to hit the alarming mark of 101 million by 2030 and 134.2 million by 2045 whereas it was 17 million in 2019. This denotes that the country is expected to witness an increase of 74.2% by 2045.
Case Study 1
You can reduce your diabetes & cholesterol medications with appropriate diet and adequate lifestyle changes that support your body type.
A 62-year male client was suffering with diabetes for past 7 years. He was maintaining his (sugar levels of) HBA1C at 7 with
12 units of a basal dose of insulin and 48 units of bolus dose (16 units before each meal through the day. His cholesterol (LDL) levels were a staggering 454. In 3 months, with changes in diet and lifestyle, his body did not need 48 units of (bolus) insulin. Currently his fasting sugar ranges between 100 &140 and his post prandial ranges between 150 - 180. His HBA1C is 6.5. His cholesterol level is now 254.
Case Study 2
If you have a family history of diabetes or high cholesterol, you can delay diabetes by many years with diet & modifications of a lifestyle that supports your body type.
During a routine annual medical checkup, a 40-year-old businessman, realized that his fasting sugar was 160 and his post prandial was 220 and LDL cholesterol was 180. He had seen his father suffer with diabetes for many years and also
witnessed his father’s untimely death. Seeing results of other friends who improved their Sugar levels with our help, he signed up under us. With modifications in his diet and educating him about his body type and the nutrition that will supports his body, we were able to reduce his fasting sugar to 100 – 110 without any medication and his post prandial between 130 – 160, for the past 3 years. He goes for regular check up every quarter to ensure his sugar levels are within the healthy range.
​Case Study 3
Your blood reports give a wealth of knowledge about the causes of diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides. Use the knowledge of nutrition to reduce your medications. Make appropriate lifestyle changes to support your body.
A 46-year-old TOFI (Thin Outside & Fat Inside) business man with 3 stents for the past 10 years was suffering with diabetes,
high cholesterol & triglycerides that was on the rise. His cardiologist would call him for routine visits every 3 months to
monitor his health to ensure that his readings do not go past the danger zones. We analyzed his blood reports and recommended modifications to his nutrition and physical activity. With our healthy active lifestyle programs that supports his active social life, we were able to reduce his sugar levels to ensure they are within range without any medications and were able to contain his cholesterol and triglycerides. Seeing the change in the readings, his cardiologist asked him to continue the nutrition & physical activity modifications and asked him to come for a visit every 6 months as he was now is, no longer in the danger zone. Its been 3 years since he became our client, and we have been able to help him maintain his readings within safe zones.
Case Study 4
Gestational diabetes can show up as Diabetes after several years with a big bang. Ensure to keep a watch on your nutrition and lifestyle after the delivery so that you can delay diabetes for a long time.
A 35-year-old Indian lady in USA was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes in the 4th month of her pregnancy. We analyzed her diet pattern and were able to help her through the entire pregnancy without any medication. Through the 9 months, she had to report her fasting blood sugar and her post prandial after every meal and we were able to help her contain her fasting to less than 95 and her post prandial to less than 120. She soon got busy with her motherhood and neglected her health. Nine years later, when she went for a master checkup, she realized that her HBA1C was 9.5. We worked with her endocrinologist, put her on insulin to reduce the damage the high sugar reading was doing to her body. During the next 3 months, we worked with her on her diet and her physical activity and were able to reduce her HBA1C to 5.6. It’s been a year since she is not on insulin or any diabetic medications and we have been able to help her maintain her lifestyle to support her family responsibilities.
Case Study 5
Your sugar levels can increase drastically, if you go on a ketogenic diet and are not able to sustain the diet for a long period of time and get back to the regular carbohydrate based Indian diets.
A 55-year-old lady was a sugar patient and wanted to desperately lose weight. Enthused by the results of other friends and family members who got wonderful results with on ketogenic diet, she decided to also try the ketogenic diet program. She got fantastic results with the ketogenic program. She lost 6 kgs in 2 months. She was however not able to maintain the ketogenic diet for long as she felt deprived of her favorite pleasure foods. After 3 months, she went back to normal eating. She not only gained the weight back soon. When she got her routine blood tests, she realized her fasting sugar reading was 160 and post prandial blood sugar was 330 and HBA1C was 8. We recommended her to go to an endocrinologist and take medications immediately. We changed her food habits to support her weight loss programs well as diabetes. Her HBA1C now is 6 with a minimal dose of metformin. She lost 6 kgs of weight in 4 months without giving up while eating (superfluous) her favorite foods.
Case Study 6
Disturbed sleep and stress can increase your sugar levels drastically. We get disturbed sleep because of our diet that does
not support our body type. Food stressors are the biggest stressors faced by the body.
Disturbed sleep causes stress hormone “cortisol” to go up. Cortisol and master hormone Insulin are linked. Fasting sugar
increases on most occasions if we have disturbed sleep. Disturbed sleep could be a result of our lifestyle stressors or due
to our food. There are many ways to effectively deal with life (lifestyle) stressors without having disturbed sleep. Also, when we follow fad diet to either lose weight or to reduce sugar levels which, does is not suitable to our body type, our hormones do not function optimally and therefore our sugar readings go up.
A 34 year old client was suffering with diabetes for a couple of years. Her sugar levels kept going up without any change in diet and was not responding to the increase in her medications as well. Her fasting sugar was 240 even after her doctor increased her medication to double. With careful analysis, I realized that she has been having disturbed sleep for the last couple of months. Her domestic problems with her in-laws made her restless and did not allow her to sleep well through the night. As she would be awake for a large part of the night, she would be get hungry and crave for comfort foods. She would also wake up in the morning craving for comfort foods. With a couple of coaching, counselling & energy transformation sessions, she was able to respond better to the situations at home, not be pre- occupied with the situations at home. With a better quality of sleep, and her fasting sugar came down to 120 within 4 days without any change in medication. During the coaching sessions, I realized that she was starving herself through the day to lose weight as her doctor told her that weight loss will aid in reduced sugar levels. Since she was a starving and using her will power to lose weight, all the pent up hunger would show up as cravings at night. I gave her a nutrition plan with wholesome foods, a balanced diet and included some of her favorite foods into her daily plan. With a new plan, she was full through the day and did not have any cravings. Because she was comfortably satiated with a wholesome balanced diet, and was able to comfortably sleep through the night. While eating stomach full, I was able to help her lose 2.5 kgs in a month and reduce some inches around her tummy. She has since then been able to maintain her sugar levels.