Liver is the home of more than 500 metabolic reactions on which your health depends
Fatty liver is asymptomatic i.e. no visible symptoms, but it affects all the organs including the Heart, Kidney, etc.
Most Indians, above 30 years of age have a Fatty Liver of some degree
About 10 % of the people with Fatty Liver progress to Fibrosis, a stage before Liver Cancer
Liver biopsy, which is an expensive process is the only reliable test for diagnosing Liver fibrosis
Only treatment in Allopathy, for Liver Diseases is Diet and Exercise or Liver Transplant
So, take proactive measures to reduce fat in the Liver
Causes of NAFLD (Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease):
Overfilled fat cells (OFCs) cause Insulin Resistance (IR)
IR in the Liver shows up as NAFLD
OFCs show up as obesity in the majority of people, but non-obese and even lean TOFIs (thin outside; fat inside) can also have OFCs. NAFLD is more dangerous in TOFIs
Starving gut bacteria: It aggravates NAFLD into more serious NASH etc. the only treatment for which may be Liver Transplant. So whenever you eat, remember to feed the gut bacteria also. Whole foods feed the Gut Bacteria.
Our Support:
Liver Biopsy is the only sure way to predict if NAFLD will progress to more serious problems like NASH etc.
But there are Scores available which are based on Liver Biopsies, that can predict Liver health. We can help you to use these Scores.
We can help you to protect your Liver by emptying the overfilled fat cells through diet. This is the only treatment available in Allopathy, other than Liver Transplant.
We have developed foods that can feed Gut bacteria, so that NAFLD does not progress into NASH etc.