Name: Vaishali
Age: 63 years
Gender: Female
BMI: 27 (overweight)
Case history: Vaishali is a Cancer survivor. While she got free from cancer, a lot of lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure, uric acid, sugar levels, and thyroid levels showed up. She tried various methods to control and get her parameters in range, like eating an oil-free and salt-free diet but unfortunately some parameters like uric acid, sugar levels worsened, and her blood pressure kept fluctuating. Despite taking 3 pills to control her blood sugar levels & 2 bp medications, her fasting sugar level was still at 132 mg/dl and post prandial at 180 mg/dl.
As a result, she developed a fear of food and started eliminating certain food groups from diet which caused uncontrollable hunger pangs. Her fear of food and certain beliefs made her weak. As a result, she could not go for her morning walks anymore.
Analysis & Approach by the best female online clinical nutritionist: We educated her about the negative impact of low sodium on the brain and therefore eliminating salt completely from the diet is not a long-term solution. We also explained to her that for Indians, such diets will make all her parameters worse. An appropriate holistic & balanced nutritional composition that supports her condition is the only solution.
Her dietary recall showed that she was largely eating numerous small portions of grain-based meals like ragi malt, jowar roti, atta roti, tur dhals, etc to reduce her hunger levels but the other food groups like vegetables, fruits, protein, and good fats were missing in the required portion. The food she ate was causing her body to produce insulin spikes, resulting in all her problems. This condition is known as insulin resistance. We gave her fat-burning food in a time-restricted manner to make the body live on its fat which reduced insulin sensitivity. We also ensured her vegetable-to-grain ratio was appropriate for her condition to make her body alkaline which would help her in both reducing sugar levels & promote healthy weight loss.
Her hunger pangs and restlessness reduced in week 1 as she could see her bp reducing and stopping fluctuating. Since she had a fear of including salt in her diet, we let her continue the same for the next couple of weeks. As she saw her sugar levels drop, her bp reduce and stabilize, and she got the confidence to introduce little salt into her diet.
We also introduced her favourite foods and taught her how to enjoy them while maintaining an active lifestyle.
