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Testimonial I Best Nutritionist in Hyderabad | Best Dietician in Hyderabad | Best Weight Loss.

Deepika Chalasani
Testimonial I Best Nutritionist in Hyderabad | Best Dietician in Hyderabad | Best Weight Loss.
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Testimonial I Best Nutritionist in Hyderabad | Best Dietician in Hyderabad | Best Weight Loss.

Testimonial I Best Nutritionist in Hyderabad | Best Dietician in Hyderabad | Best Weight Loss.

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Testimonial I Best Nutritionist in Hyderabad | Best Dietician in Hyderabad Telangana | Weight Loss

Testimonial I Best Nutritionist in Hyderabad | Best Dietician in Hyderabad Telangana | Weight Loss

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Energy Levels

Energy Levels


Gut Health 

Gut Health

Hunger Levels

Healthy Food is Tasty Too

Healthy Food is Tasty Too

Improvement in Blood Reports

Improvement in Blood Report

Improvement in Blood Reports

Improved Fitness Level

Improved Fitness Level


Importance of Vegetables in Diet

Importance of Vegetables in Diet










Chronic Tyroid

Body Pains

Weightloss & Diabetic



My Brother was detected with low heart rate pumping at age of 28 and started taking medication from the best cardiologists in India, Doctors often used to say atet medication they give is just a 20% cure and 80% cure actually comes from Diet with no salt and maintaining 1 litre of water limit per day. The doctors also suggested him to get his weight reduced. Over a period of time he adjusted to these two conditions but his weight-loss was still a challenge, as he used have steroids in medication.


With our own knowledge we used to have calories restriction and average 30-40 min workout a day but as years passed and his weight didn’t come down, we decided to opt a diet plan from dieticians and did contact a few, but none seemed to be of help us with the 1 litre water restriction condition and in return they used to suggest to take smoothies for couple of month and suggestions that liquid is okay to body etc. We felt that it is not as per the doctors’ suggestion and used to drop out from the opted plans.


Lastly we came to know about Fit4Life and felt to give one last try. We connected with Deepika Chalasani and her team, surprisingly we felt that the team is really sensible and realistic in what they speak and do. The whole team did a case study on his condition, completely understanding the  requirements of salt food and 1 litre water restriction strictly.


He did opt the diet plan from them and they never ever crossed the 1litre water limit for the day. Deepika and her team suggested the food which gave benefits for heart muscle to make it strong and the menu team educated us in which way it helps with our current body condition. He is comfortable with the food items they suggested.


Our entire thought process of diet and having nutritional food has changed after meeting them. They also used to customise the menu whenever required based on doc inputs, The team is so sincere and patience in listening the concerns and followups. Finally today, he lost the weight of 20+ kgs in span of 6 months and is maintaining a good BMI value which is very important in his case


Thanks to Deepika and team





I grew up a chubby kid, who's always been great at sports but my body would never reflect that. Since I started working, bad food habits and lifestyle resulted in a vicious cycle of intermittent phases of active lifestyle, followed by a sedentary one. In the past, I've done multiple fitness+diet regimes with great success too, but as soon as I'd slip, it'd take me no time for all that hard work to be undone. Now finally at the age of 35 years, I had somehow managed to weigh the highest I've ever weighed. So again, I committed myself to regular workouts (2-3 days/w) for about 6 months, but this time my weight barely flinched. Saying this was 'concerning', would be an understatement.

So in fit of rage I did a quick google search and tons of amazing google reviews later, enter Deepika mam! For someone who's never had a nutritionist before, that cost quite scared me but one consultation with her and I was sold. Having experimented with diets in the past, I'd come to become someone who was too arrogant to challenge by my knowledge on food & health. That's where the journey began, speaking to her I decided that if I have to do this right, I must submit myself completely. I had an innate urge to know my own body better and things moved from the very first blood reading with mam. It was an eye opener as she traversed with one truth bomb after other, haha. Each one of my diets earlier required me to have a strong will as it was always a struggle. So to know from her that "If you're having to use your will, the diet isn't working" felt like Christmas to be honest. The diet was custom made for me, based on things I like and things my body needed. If I were to go by Youtube/Instagram experts for instance, I'd be hogging on copious amounts of protein, but then I'd be hurting my own liver. These are the kinds of insights she gives you, that are just a game changer.

But enough on fixing on your diet, that is the bare minimum you'd expect if you're reading this in search of a nutritionist/dietician right? Couple of months into the program, when I'd had decent visible results is when the 'mental game' kicked in. This is beyond knowledge sharing, its as much wisdom as it is therapy. She mentors you to not just 'lose weight' or whatever your goal is but, its like a 'couple's therapy' where the relationship in question is the one between 'you' and 'food'. Applying these fundamentals have been my biggest success with her till now, hands down. Recently I went for a 5-day wedding trip where I ate everything that found my fancy. But the moment I came back and stepped on the scale, I was pleasantly surprised to know I didn't gain any weight at all. That's when I realised there's to stopping me now. If you've ever had an ordeal with weight loss, you'd know how empowering this feeling can be.

Conclusion: It takes two to tango no doubt. Either you feel you're at the infliction point in life where you want to turn things around no matter your goal or you think you can adopt a healthier lifestyle, just join her program now and in few months you'll thank yourself as I do. Having now lost 16kg in a little over 4 months is something I'm still processing and even for that she's helping me. So if you're willing to bring yourself to her then just be a sponge and get on with the best thing you'll ever do for yourself and sign-up!



I can’t express how grateful I am for the incredible journey I’ve experienced during the past six months with Deepika Mam and her whole team. This weight loss program has been nothing short of life-changing.

From day one, their expertise and personalized guidance made all the difference. They crafted a nutrition plan tailored to my needs and goals, and their continuous support and encouragement kept me motivated throughout this journey.


Not only did I achieve my weight loss goals, but I also learned invaluable lessons about healthy eating and lifestyle choices. This program has not only transformed my body but also my mindset.


I can confidently say that this experience has set me on a path to long-term health and well-being. Thank you, Deepika Mam for your dedication, knowledge, and unwavering support. You’ve made a profound impact on my life, and I couldn’t be happier with the results.”


Deepika’s  Mam knowledge and command on her subject is incredible, very resourceful making available the best nutrient required by your body. I took both mind and body consultation which was life changing experience.


I will always be connected with Deepika Mam and continue many more programs on my body and mind nutrition. 


I want to end by saying honestly Deepika Mam is the best nutritionist and will recommend her to everyone I meet, especially, who are facing health challenges.


Thank you 



It was an extremely happy and a good learning experience working with Deepika Chalasani and her team. One can’t miss noticing the clarity in her subject matter, positivity and enthusiasm in Deepika which she vibrates to her clients. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and tried dieting to control the sugar levels based on the advice of another nutritionist. However, I felt weak and started losing weight in my effort to control sugar spike. All my efforts went futile and eventually I was put on oral medication to control sugar levels. Later, I got introduced to Fit4Life by a close friend of mine who had similar medical condition during her pregnancy.


Deepika’s diet plan helped me to meet the nutritional needs of the foetus and myself without causing any sugar spike during each and every meal. What I loved the most about Fit4Life is that every concept applied in the diet plan was explained to me clearly on a weekly basis because of which I felt I was making informed decisions rather than blindly going by the diet plan. The diet plan had enough portions - A common misconception is that a pregnant women should eat for two with less attention paid to how much extra calories would actually be required. With Deepika and her team’s constant motivation and support, I was able to stick to the plan on a meal to meal basis. Deepika helped me make wise choices even while eating out and on festival days. The best part was that the plan had room for cheat meals and occasional indulgences.


With GD during pregnancy, eating right for baby’s health would have been impossible without Deepika’s support. Special thanks to Shifana and Sunitha from her team who were equally prompt in taking care of any of my concerns. I would say with confidence that I have learnt some good eating practices which can be carried for lifetime.


Cheers to Deepika for empowering many women who work for her and leading a highly spirited team.

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